"Advanced Security Solution Group"


Iris recognition technology can be applied to every securing business which requires self-verification or an identification system. The iris recognition technology of IRIENCE develops, manufactures, produces solutions and products in the way our user demands.

홈 Major Business System Business

Offline Payment System Without Media

Iris Payment Service(POS+IrisKeyⅢ)

· A service which enables payment without a credit/check card after self verification by photographing the iris
· No need of holding offline, no need of installation in online
· USB connection type for iris recognition and embedded iris recognition type for use in POS device.



1. Registering iris at financial institutions

2. Select items to order by visiting the store

3. Payment by recognizing iris without credit card

4. Payment made on your own iris.

Iris Recognition ATM

ATM + iris recognition device

· IRIENCE is the first company in Korea to develop an iris recognition ATM and is currently testing in Industrial Bank of Korea.
· Customer can use the ATM service without a credit card or password after registering his/her iris once only.

Iris information distributed storage system

IRIENCE is Allied With FIDO.

What is FIDO(Fast IDentity Online)?
FIDO(Fast IDentity Online) is a new authentication system using fingerprints, iris, face recognition, voice, vein which are more simple to verify compared to using an ID or password. FIDO, the next generation authentication technology, does not directly transfer the authentication data to the server but generates a authentication result value by the authentication device of the client and then transfers it to the server to verify it much more easier and safer.

FIDO Currently Proposes 2 Kinds of Protocols.

UAF(Universal Authentication Framework)

Authentication technology interlocking the authentication method offered from the user device with the online service

U2F(Universal 2nd Factor)

When one intends to undergo additional authentication in an online service based on existing I/Ds and passwords, the technology allows one to add authentication at the moment of user login.

IRIENCE, an alliance of FIDO, will be a leading company to accelerate the prevalence of products and service based on FIDO by discovering a business model which combines product and service for iris algorithm users and by supporting a new market development.

We plan to establish not only business cooperation with algorithm license users but also the foundation of “intercorporate cooperation support” for the fusion with other industries. We will also put our best efforts to the “foundation build-up” including vitalization of the FIDO industry, standardization for iris authentication, reinforced protection of information, manpower cultivation, etc.



Through our technology of holding blockchain, we provide a hardware wallet using iris authentication to protect your privacy when transferring coins from a blockchain network.

Transaction on Coins

Iris recognition hardware wallet,

Receives a RAW transaction from the software wallet installed on any node making up the block chain, and compare the iris video of the current user with the registered template. After verification, sign in with the registered personal information and send the signed transaction to software wallet. Finally, the software wallet is broadcasted to the block chain network.

Coin Trading No personal information exposure

Registering Personal Information

Iris recognition hardware wallet,

Receives information from the software wallet, and create a code using the iris registering template. This keeps the information safe by saving the information linking with the template.

When registering personal information No deal without iris